One shoe can change your life. ~ Cinderella ~

One shoe can change your life.  ~ Cinderella ~


You're Invited...

So I got something from my aunt this week that I have never seen before. In a girl's world, you are always getting invitations to showers, house warmings, or birthday parties. So when I got this paperless invitation, I had to see more. You get a email that has a envelope (even with postage) and you click on it to open. You get to see the beautiful contrast pattern on the inside of the envelope and then the invite pops out. It's so extremely clever, especially in this day and age when being "green" seems to be more of a fad than skinny jeans! What a great way to be different, unique and earth-conscious! So next time you are planning a little get together, remember this great idea and gather up those email address!


I interupt what you are doing...

Super Exciting News….This just in: JUICY outlet store is coming to Jeffersonville!!! I know today's blog is short and sweet, but EXCITING!!! I can't even wait! Just keeping you in the loop Columbus!



Ok so I have to put this out there, because I HAVE NO CLUE!! Clogs. Are they really trying to make a comback? It just brings back way too many memories of teased bangs, mom jeans and Chico! AHHH, cringe-worthy! So I've seen a couple cute pairs, and I've seen some girls wear them around the office. You have to be a pretty confident fashionista to pull it off…but I'm thinking about jumping on this trend. Beware…you better pair it with a really great outift, or there WILL be whispers when you walk by…and not good ones! So let me know what you think….are you gonna purchase clogs? If so, please send pics! I'd love to see how you wear them! I'll be sure to post mine!


Rain. Rain. Rain Boots!

So now that we are forging our way out of the 6 months of bleek and grey, we are now moving on to the rainy portion! You have to love Ohio right?! Haha, well don't fear! If there were ever a great time to buy super cute wellies and rain gear…this is it! Here are some of my ultimate favs:

Classic Burberry at Nordstrom's!

Dirty Laundry at Macy' preppy! LOVE!

Old School Sperry at Macy's or DSW! Aww, childhood!
Hunter's at Nordstrom's has the best match every outfit!
With all these fab choices...I say, BRING ON THE RAIN!!!
Hope you have a soggy one!



Wow….what a hectic couple of weeks! So sorry to have stranded my blog, but trust that I AM BACK! I have the greatest handbag calendar on my desk that has a new one for each day. Mostly vintage (my favorite) but new stuff shuffled in here and there. Which makes me day dream about having a different handbag each day to go with every outfit! Well, though that is very far fetched, a girl can dream right? So on my journey down the road of trying to make that happen…here are a few great deals that I've found recently:
Marcianio for $196.50 at Nordstrom's!

Dooney and Burke for $109.90 at Nordstrom's!

Metallic Parlour Hobo from J. Crew for $149.99

Kate for $228
WOW, can you tell my fav spring color?!?! Happy shopping everyone...what's that one hot spring item you can't wait to purchase? Let me know and i'll track it down for the best price!



KATE SPADE SAMPLE SALE!!! OMG I almost spit out my coffee as soon as I got the email this morning! Here is the link, you just have to sign your name, email and zip code to get in. TOTALLY worth it! Happy shopping!


Where to get it all at

A wise man once gave me his two cents and I thought, "What a great idea!" So with this long, savage winter starting to descend into being over (I'm still a skeptic as to whether it will EVER end) we all turn our minds to up and coming big events: prom, winter escape cruises, or that last minute fling to the Bahamas' (one can dream right?!). So I'm going to try and narrow the search for that perfect outfit. As is mostly the case, ESPICALLY for prom, you don't want to shop locally because of the nightmare that could be you wearing the same dress as another girl! Trust me, I've done this and it's not pretty (compliments of MHS senior prom night) While I'm on my nostalgic walk down memory lane, if I was still in high school and prom is approaching...this is where I would turn!

Prom Night

Here is website that has a dress for everyone! From stuck-up socialites who crave designer labels, to the girl who just wants some uber-original knockout. The prices range from $99-$ I'm pretty sure this site would have something for every girl. Don't forget...these are designer and formalwear dresses: SIZE DOWN one size. Yes, that is a pure marketing plea to make you feel skinner than you really are...but hey, I'll take it!

Cruise Wear

This is much easier than finding that one perfect dress that will make you a stand out, but not by much. Now you need at least 7 great outfits for dinner each night. By now you should know that I'm completely biased when it comes to J. Crew....but they have everything you need! Trust me!
Their Lilac Shift Dress is perfectly cool
Be Stunningly beautiful in their Jersey Gown
Or a show-stopper in this leather sequin knockout!

All of their new 2010 arrivals on their website right now would be all a girl needs to make that cruise their fabulous runway of style!

Winter Escape Getaway:

Now for the more relaxed "live on the beach" kind of getaway! To me this says: swimsuits, cover ups and optional! I'm seriously shaking with jealousy just thinking about it! But for those of you who already have this trip on the books, here is where I'd start with getting ready for it: Victoria's Secret. I know I know, you normally only think of them for bra's and underwear. But I have to let you in on it: they have the best made, cut and designed swimsuits I've ever tried on! With their variety of color, fit and can't come away from this website or store without finding the perfect suit. Once you have have to check out their lux cover ups that can double for a sundress or going out to dinner at the local tiki bar!

I hope that these tips have helped and it's just the beginning. If you have other special occasions and are stuck with what to wear and where to get it...let me know! I'll get you perfectly equipped for that perfect event!